Friday, February 19, 2010

My sad profile

Hi All,

I will sadly speak in the next lines about my self, my life, my goals and of course my love life…….nah not the last one (which is dry anyway ^_^”)

First about my self I’m 20 years old my birth date is 9-4-1987 (REMEMBER IT WILL YA?!!!). I live in Abu Dhabi which is the capital of the United Arab Emirates that is located in the Arabian Gulf in Asia. About my personality and my actions I tend to delay any thing I really don’t like rushing stuff (yeah yeah I know I’m lazy) I’m a very competitive person I really hate it when I know that there is some one who is better than me in something that I like. One of the strange things that keep happening to me is that some times I wake up so depressed I declare it a bad miserable sorrowful day for no clear reason.

Second about my life I really live a normal (yeah normal for me >_>) student life. I wake up late every day (the source of my pride) I really try to wake up early every day for the college but really it’s so hard for me to succeed and when I do guess what it’s a holiday I guess I’m what they call an evening person. For that I’m hoping from the next semester I can find an after noon classes for my schedule. Away from my college study life there is like this routine that I keep doing and doing and doing every holiday first I go to the gamers shops (HELL YEAH IM A GAMER) to check if there is any new games that is worth playing. Second and finally (huh…finally?) we go and check the new movies and choose one to end the day with.

Finally my goals (which are all “out” until now) my big goal or dream is to find a great job that is related to what I studied settle down look for my other half and create our own family. But really after observing these what u call children (little devils for me) her and there over a tree or under a car I decided that the last thing I will even think of is having kids of my own.

I hope by what u people read above have understood at least 60 %( the pass mark…..>_>) of who am I. thank you for wasting your time reading this and good bye.


Bmeer said...

Hi, your blog is intresting, hope you do well in your studies.

Hamdan S said...
