Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Carbon Footprint

First before I start speaking about my carbon footprint I will explain the meaning of it.A carbon footprint is a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced. So from that its pretty clear the our actions affect the environment around us one way or another. For that I believe every one should held responsible for his actions.

About my footprint will a scored around 2.20 planets which means that I'm living as if I had 2.20 planets to live in. I was really surprised by the results I thought in the beginning of it that I will score around 1.5 I never imagined that I will go over the 2. For that I decided that I have to do something to lower my footprint score. But after a while (and really I'm speaking the truth here I really hate lies) I realized that I will do nothing I'm a hopeless guy in the green stuff. So I decided to be clear in it and say I sadly did nothing and I don't think I will do anything .

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