Thursday, May 15, 2008

Why the movie was called "An Inconvenient Truth"

The movie was called An Inconvenient Truth because global warming isn’t going to come it’s already here but still there are people who keep saying that there is no such thing as global warming!! “How inconvenient is that!!”.

My reaction to “An Inconvenient Truth”

Will how should I start? First before any thing I have to admit that the movie was an interesting one its rare these days to be able to watch a whole documentary movie without falling asleep and wake up the next day saying “few what was that all about?!!”. What I liked in the movie is that it made me feel the need to do something. I won’t deny that I knew global warming long long ago before I’ve seen the movie but I never knew that it’s going too fast except from the movie. Over all I liked the movie but still the only thing I didn’t like in it was the flash backs. I didn’t like that he kept showing some videos about his self when he was campaigning for the seat. It was like he was sending this underground massage “if I was there every thing would be better” and I’m not saying that he is a liar or something. The only thing I meant is what is done is done your doing a great job telling and warning people about global warming “and we thank you for that!” but just forget about the seat and move with your life.

Summary of “An Inconvenient Truth”

An Inconvenient Truth is a documentary film that Al Gore speaks in it about global warming and how that will affect us. In the movie Al Gore used some scientists clear and correct statistics to back up his words. The resources that he used were fantastic all these pictures and that funny animated movie all of it helped him to send the massage for every one. He even said that with all these evidence there’s no more time for skeptical people. If we want to save the world we have to act from now to ensure a better future for our selves and for sure for our sons in the future.

What Abu Dhabi should do to make people aware of Global Warming?

In the previous years Abu Dhabi developed rapidly with more resources, more assets, more expertise and more future plans and goals. For that it’s reasonable for people to miss a thing or two about global warming. And to ensure that this subject will be well discussed in the future and more people will be aware of it I made some ideas and points about what should AD do to make people more aware of global warming and I will list these points below:-

1- Abu Dhabi should at least declare one day in the year as a green day where there will be activities and prizes for the greenest family.

2- Global Warming should be a main topic in the magazines and news papers.

3- Abu Dhabi should sponsor some advertisements in the TV about global warming.

4- Abu Dhabi should also sponsor some researches that searches for alternative clean power resources or at least how to decrease our carbon emissions.

5- Producing green products should be encouraged.

6- Make a peaceful campaign that directly speaks with the people in the streets explaining to them Global Warming and what are we up to prevent it.

7- Establish a new chain of busses that are cleaner and bigger but with fewer emissions so that people use them more often.

8- Run a law that prevent people from owning more than a limited amount of cars.

These are some ideas and solutions that I made up that hopefully would make a deference.

My "Cool Cities" project

Global warming is a very huge world wide problem that will affect all of us. But surprisingly there are some of us out there when you even just ask them what is global warming the only answers from them are like this “huh please stop this mumbojumbo scientist stuff” or “eh? Nerd alert” or even “dude what are you talking about”. So for you people who are gifted with this magnificent gift of ignorance and a developed thicker skull that stands between your brain and the rest of the world this is for you. What is global warming you ask? Global warming is the increase of the average temperature of the near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century and expected to keep in increasing in the future if every thing stays the same. That leads us to the next point which is what should we do to escape this big dark fried up future. One of these solutions and the one that I will speak deeply about in the next paragraph is cool cities, what’s the meaning of it, is it an easy goal, is it worth it and some of the future planes for cool cities in the United Arab Emirates.