Thursday, May 15, 2008

What Abu Dhabi should do to make people aware of Global Warming?

In the previous years Abu Dhabi developed rapidly with more resources, more assets, more expertise and more future plans and goals. For that it’s reasonable for people to miss a thing or two about global warming. And to ensure that this subject will be well discussed in the future and more people will be aware of it I made some ideas and points about what should AD do to make people more aware of global warming and I will list these points below:-

1- Abu Dhabi should at least declare one day in the year as a green day where there will be activities and prizes for the greenest family.

2- Global Warming should be a main topic in the magazines and news papers.

3- Abu Dhabi should sponsor some advertisements in the TV about global warming.

4- Abu Dhabi should also sponsor some researches that searches for alternative clean power resources or at least how to decrease our carbon emissions.

5- Producing green products should be encouraged.

6- Make a peaceful campaign that directly speaks with the people in the streets explaining to them Global Warming and what are we up to prevent it.

7- Establish a new chain of busses that are cleaner and bigger but with fewer emissions so that people use them more often.

8- Run a law that prevent people from owning more than a limited amount of cars.

These are some ideas and solutions that I made up that hopefully would make a deference.

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