Thursday, May 15, 2008

My reaction to “An Inconvenient Truth”

Will how should I start? First before any thing I have to admit that the movie was an interesting one its rare these days to be able to watch a whole documentary movie without falling asleep and wake up the next day saying “few what was that all about?!!”. What I liked in the movie is that it made me feel the need to do something. I won’t deny that I knew global warming long long ago before I’ve seen the movie but I never knew that it’s going too fast except from the movie. Over all I liked the movie but still the only thing I didn’t like in it was the flash backs. I didn’t like that he kept showing some videos about his self when he was campaigning for the seat. It was like he was sending this underground massage “if I was there every thing would be better” and I’m not saying that he is a liar or something. The only thing I meant is what is done is done your doing a great job telling and warning people about global warming “and we thank you for that!” but just forget about the seat and move with your life.

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